WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons nulled plugin 2.7.1

Short Description

WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons allows you to customize your checkout experience by adding free or paid options to your checkout page. This includes accepting tips, offering upsells, and allowing customers to add gift options. You can create custom field types, such as text fields, radio buttons, and file uploads, and customize your checkout experience. Checkout Add-Ons supports WooCommerce subscriptions by adding add-ons to initial purchases and renewal orders. It is compatible with One Page Checkout and allows customers to view selected add-ons from order detail pages and emails. Admins can sort and filter the WooCommerce > Orders page based on add-ons and their values. To get started, download and install the extension into your WooCommerce store and create order fields under WooCommerce > Checkout Add-ons.


WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons nulled plugin Highlight related goods, incentives such as free delivery, and other upsells throughout the checkout process.
Provide free or paid add-ons and services at checkout.
The WooCommerce core checkout process covers all of the fundamentals for placing an order, but what if you want to collect tips, provide gift wrapping, or allow customers to add a gift note to their purchase? This is where WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons come in! Checkout Add-Ons allow you to add both free and paid alternatives to your checkout page. Depending on the kind of add-on, you may add a variety of fields, including text fields, radio buttons, file uploads, and more!

Checkout Add-Ons may help you enhance your checkout experience in the following ways:

WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons nulled plugin Accept order tips with percentage-based fees.
Offer upsells or complimentary services such as shipment insurance, corporate stickers and swag, or expedited processing.
Include gift choices like notes, gift wrap, and gift receipts.
Configuring Checkout Add-Ons from the admin view.

Checkout Add-Ons visible at checkout
Add-ons are presented at checkout.

What can I do with Checkout Add-ons?
Checkout Add-Ons provides a variety of tools to let you personalize your checkout experience:

WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons nulled plugin Create various custom field kinds to serve many different needs, including text, text area, drop-downs (i.e. select fields), multi-selects, radio buttons, checkboxes, multi-checkbox lists, and file uploads.
Add options for add-on services and upsells (does not enable inventory management).
Optionally include fixed-amount or percentage-based charges depending on how clients interact with the field.
Create conditional add-ons that appear or alter depending on criteria such as cart subtotal, goods in the basket, or the value of another add-on.
Order information and total will be dynamically updated at checkout when options are chosen or adjusted.
Supports WooCommerce Subscriptions by adding add-ons to initial purchases and, optionally, renewal orders.
Compatible with one page. Checkout
Customers may see chosen add-ons from order detail pages and emails.
Admins may sort and filter the WooCommerce > Orders page by add-ons and their values.
Saves chosen settings and uploads even if consumers navigate away from the checkout.
How To Get Started
Buy this extension! 🙂
Download and install in your WooCommerce shop.
Add some order fields under WooCommerce plugin > Checkout. Add-ons
That is it! Sit back and enjoy your bright new checkout fields!
If you only need to charge fees or add-ons when a certain product is bought, we suggest using the Product Add-ons extension.
Need more reason to buy? When you buy a SkyVerge-developed extension, you receive the best extensions for your WooCommerce business. Get piece of mind knowing that when you buy our goods, your store’s performance is just as essential to us as it is to you.
