Bulk Stock Management nulled plugin 2.2.35

Short Description

The bulk stock management extension allows users to edit product and variation stock levels in bulk, filtering by product type, stock management status, and stock status. Users can order products by name, ID, SKU, or stock quantity. Bulk actions for setting stock status and a ‘View stock report’ button are also available.


Bulk Stock Management nulled plugin This user-friendly interface allows you to bulk edit product and variant stock levels.
Bulk control stock levels and print out stock listings from administration.
The bulk stock management extension adds a new interface (available under items > Stock management) that lists your items and variants, as well as their stock attributes.
Products may be filtered by product type, stock management status, and stock status, as well as arranged by name, ID, SKU, or quantity.
Bulk Stock Management nulled plugin The input area allows you to simply specify the stock amount for numerous goods at once. There are other bulk actions for setting the stock status.
View and filter goods, then bulk change inventory amounts.
Finally, a ‘View stock report’ option allows you to print a report of all stock levels in your business.Stock report.


woocommerce plugin
