Bookly Custom Fields nulled plugin 4.3

Short Description

Bookly Custom Fields is an add-on that allows users to customize their Bookly booking form by adding new fields to the Details section. This feature allows users to ask customers for additional detailed information before finalizing their booking. The Bookly Calendar will be modified to include the custom fields and appointment data. The add-on is as simple as setting up any other Bookly add-on and allows users to create as many personalized fields as they want. The Bookly Custom Fields extension allows users to design new fields for collecting supplementary data from customers, which will be displayed throughout the booking process and updated in the Bookly Calendar.


Note that the Bookly Custom Fields nulled plugin is required in order to use this add-on. Check out the Bookly repository on CodePen.

Is there any other information you’d like to gather from me when I make a reservation? Name, phone, email, and appointment notes are the default fields needed in Bookly PRO’s scheduling wizard. Bookly Custom Fields (add-on) allows you to customize the Bookly booking form by adding new fields of varying sorts to the Details section. Using this function, you may ask your customers for additional detailed information before they finalize their booking. The Bookly Calendar will be modified to include the custom fields and the appointment data.


Make as many personalized fields as you want.

Mix up the sorts of questions you ask by using text, checkboxes, drop-down menus, radio buttons, numbers, captchas, and so on.
Add conditional fields to your form.

Modify the required or optional status of fields.

Connect data fields with the desired APIs.

Build hidden, backend-only custom fields for your Bookly account.

Modify any optional appointment fields as necessary.

Setting up the custom fields feature is as simple as setting up any other Bookly add-on—it just takes a few minutes. Bookly PRO is an appointment booking and scheduling software system.

In order to confirm a booking, your clients will need to provide personal information (name, phone number, and email address, for example).


The Custom Fields extension allows you to design new fields for collecting supplementary data from customers. You’ll see these fields throughout the booking process’s information phase, and your Bookly calendar will be updated accordingly.



Make as many as you think you’ll need.

There are many different sorts of questions (text boxes, choice boxes, multiple choice, etc.) that may be asked.

Indicate which fields must be filled out and which may be skipped.

Bookly Plugin for Definable Fields

Using the Bookly Custom Fields Add-on, you may create new fields to collect more information from your clients. Details for your bookings will be uploaded to your Bookly Calendar with the addition of these fields at the Details stage. Note that in order to use this add-on, you must have Bookly PRO already installed and running.

wordpress plugin.