Mix and Match Products nulled plugin 2.7.6

Short Description

Mix and Match Products is a plugin that allows customers to mix and match products to create unique variants. This allows for bulk purchases of similar items, allowing customers to choose the exact amount of each product. The plugin offers modular content, adjustable costs, and shipping options. It also allows inventory management, allowing customers to view a complete inventory of all goods and create their own set. The Mix & Match product can be customized to fit specific tastes and preferences, making it an ideal solution for businesses selling various products.


Mix and Match Products nulled plugin

Your average order value will rise if you let your clients mix and match things to make their own unique variants.
Without difficulty, design unique combinations.
Were you selling wine by the case? Dozens of doughnuts? Bouquets of fruits? T-shirt six-packs? For bulk purchases of comparable items, Mix & Match is the way to go. Ideal for getting people to spend more without making them buy things they don’t want.

You get to decide on the maximum allowable assortment size (the number of items required to “complete” a container or pack) and the available goods, but the client gets to pick the exact amount of each product that goes into the package.

Avoid sugary donuts at all costs. A client with specific tastes may substitute all Boston creams for her dozen. Would you like six drink bottles? but can’t decide on a flavor? The consumer has all agency over the decision!

Modular Contents

With Mix & Match, you may offer both basic items and variants of the same product in a container. For each Mix & Match set, you have complete control over how many things are accessible.

Adaptable Costs
You may set a fixed price for a mix-and-match selection or price each item separately and add them up.

Shipping Options That Are Highly Versatile
There are three options for shipping mix-and-match assortments: together, separately, or not at all.

Management of Stock
You can manage your inventory exactly as you would with solo sales for products in the Mix and Match selection. You can even manage your inventory for the Mix and Match container.

Personalize your templates
After configuration, a Mix and Match product looks very much like a grouped product. Customers may examine a complete inventory of all goods and put together their own set in any way they see fit.

Like the rest of WooCommerce, you can edit each section of the table as well as the table itself using template overrides.

woocommerce plugin
