Local Pickup Plus nulled plugin 2.11.4

Short Description

Local Pickup Plus is a powerful plugin that allows WooCommerce users to conveniently pick up orders from their stores. This feature is ideal for businesses with a single location or distribution hub, but also presents challenges for those with multiple locations or locations. With Local Pickup Plus, customers can select pickup locations, set prices or discounts, export and import locations via CSV, and use email notifications to notify shop managers or locations when an order includes a pickup at a specific location.

The plugin also supports Google Maps and geocoding to sort sites based on distance from consumers. It also allows for setting the pickup location as the taxable address, limiting the goods available at a pickup location, optimizing product pickup availability, allowing scheduled pickups, and creating email notifications for warehouses and employees.

To get started, simply download and install the Local Pickup Plus extension in your WooCommerce plugin shop and configure one or two pickup locations. This will allow customers to pick up their orders and ensure that you know where to expect them. With Local Pickup Plus, you can ensure your WooCommerce business thrives and provides peace of mind for your customers.


Local Pickup Plus nulled plugin

Allow consumers to purchase online and pick up in-store, with the ability to pick up items from particular locations, choose a pickup date, and more.

Offer pickup for any product, anywhere.
WooCommerce’s built-in “Local Pickup” shipping option enables your customers to pick up their purchases from you. While this is ideal for companies with a single brick-and-mortar presence, it presents significant challenges for stores with several locations or distribution hubs.

Local Pickup Plus is a far more sophisticated pickup solution for merchants with many locations, distribution facilities, or pickup sites. Provide pickup locations around the nation (even in other countries!), limit pickup to certain goods, limit the products accessible at a place, allow scheduled pickups, and more!

With Local Pickup Plus, your customers know precisely where to go to pick up their orders, and you know where to expect them. Customers will get a list of potential pickup locations for each product that can be picked up (or you may limit it to one pickup place per order), and they can choose locations that enable them to receive items anywhere they wish.
What functionality does Local Pickup Plus offer to WooCommerce?
Set up various pickup locations so that the consumer may select one at checkout.
The selected pickup location is listed on the customer’s account. View the order page, order emails, and order. Admin
Allow, enforce, or limit pickup for certain items and categories.
Determine if each product may be picked up at a different location or whether only one pickup location is available per order.
If you enable per-item pickup, you may even specify which goods are accessible at each location!
Set prices or discounts for picking up a shipment.
NEW: Export and import pickup locations via CSV.
Use a list of email addresses to notify shop managers or locations when an order includes a pickup at a certain location.
Define business days and hours that enable or necessitate picking a pickup date.
Limit the number of pickup appointments available for a certain time window.
Compatible with several plugins, including WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Export and WooCommerce Print invoices and packing lists.
Support for Google Maps. Geocoding to sort sites based on distance from consumers
Supports numerous delivery options for each purchase.
Set the pickup location as the taxable address.
Limit the goods available at a pickup location (new).
Each pickup site may have its own configurations for holidays, business hours, and so on. However, there may be significant disparities between your locations, such as the goods they carry. If some locations only sell certain items, you may restrict which products are available for pickup at a certain location.

If a product is in the basket but is not available at a certain location, the location is simply removed from the list when the consumer selects where to pick up the item.

To utilize this option, you must approve pickup for each item.

Optimize product pickup availability.
Shipping big or dangerous products may be a major hassle for merchants; therefore, you may wish to demand pickup for these items. With new product and category pickup availability choices, you may indicate whether a product requires pickup or cannot be picked up (must be mailed).
Allow scheduled pickups.
You may need to know when a customer will arrive to pick up an order or when your location allows pickups. Pickup Appointments enable you to define business hours worldwide or by region, as well as holidays, lead time (the amount of time required to prepare for a pickup), and deadline (the number of days permitted to book a pickup).

If the default schedule, lead time, and deadline do not work for a certain site, it may be customized.

If appointments for pickup dates are enabled, the client will be able to choose a date (or will be forced to do so, depending on your settings), as well as see the location information and working hours for the selected day.
If you provide curbside pickups or takeaway orders, you may restrict the number of appointments available at the same time.

Notify Warehouses and Employees: NEW
When you set up a pickup location, you may create an email notification list for it. When an order includes products from this site, these email addresses will be added as recipients of admin order emails.
How to Get Started
Buy this extension!
Download and install it in your WooCommerce plugin shop.
Configure one or two pickup locations.
That is it! Your clients will be able to pick up their orders, and you will know where to expect them!
Need more reasons to buy? When you buy a SkyVerge-developed extension, you receive the best extensions for your WooCommerce business. Gain peace of mind knowing that when you buy our items, we care about your store’s success just as much as you do.

